Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wedding Week

This past Saturday was Danny's brother's wedding.  I started dating Danny back when his brother Jimmy was in the 8th grade.  Participating in a milestone like a wedding made me count the years I've been around and boy, they add up quickly!

Saturday was cold and the clouds were threatening rain.  Just before the ceremony began, the sun came out.  It was really beautiful.  (Still freezing, but sunny.)

Danny, me, Olive, Lisa, Jimmy, Cheryl, Kady, and Steve.  Photo courtesy of Jodi Potter.

Olive was a trooper having both of her parents busy in the wedding party.  Only one meltdown.  A good time was had by all.

Photo snapped by Danny's dad a few minutes after Olive's meltdown.  Poor baby.

This coming Saturday my dad will be getting remarried.  I'll be sure to get a few photos up next week!